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you & i


living stories







Collaborate - Disrupt - Create

Living in four different countries over two decades has taught me a lot — you and I are living stories.

Stories that must be shared.
Stories that can change the world.
Stories that can reshape lives.

Mine is just like everyone else's, except that you're now spending 5 minutes of your time to read mine.


        Here's my story

It's a meme-meme world!


It's Super K-at!

With a K.

The last thing I need popping up on my newsfeed when I'm supposed to be working online is a meme of a cat; let alone a Vine.


But let's be honest—we love it.


Whoever invented the concept of bringing quirky texts and images together as a piece was a genius. In fact, that person should be given an award for mastermind of the decade.


(2006 is now one decade. That's right ONE DECADE!)


I'm in a 'complicated relationship' with Memes. I never got around to pronouncing it right the first time—I'd call it 'meh-meh' instead of /miːm/.





Who can resist this champ gazing outside its window?!


I have found memes to be an innovative way of connecting with the reader.


Try using it for your business to give your content that extra edge!

    Facebook is'inevitable'

I remember leaning over my chair to check out Facebook on my cousin's laptop back in 2004—when it was first launched.


'What's that?', I asked inquisitively.


'Oh, it's this cool social network where you can add people and connect with them! You should totally get it", she answered in her Canadian accent.


I love how Facebook has evolved since then—and how people have grown with it.


But what's happened to me since then has been a rollercoaster of a ride.


I'm a recovering FaceCrack. Yup. I said it.

I used to incessantly check my updates every few seconds—hoping to find a relevant notification pop up on my page.


Now that I don't get that rush of dopamine, I've learnt to use Facebook constructively. By that, I mean connecting with the right people and posting relevant newsworthy content (irrespective of how many likes I get).






Instagram is a completely different game.

It has taken my digital footprint to the next level.

It has impacted the way I've interacted

with digital media—I've learnt to

appreciate real beauty through the lens.



Trending hashtags and

quality feed have navigated me

through relevant blogs.











I never really set foot in the Instagram world until my friends probed me to do it

(by the way,my username is quirky_hybrid).




       It is quite addictive now. 


       And I don't regret it one bit. 

  Posting a bunch of carefully

  edited and captioned photos on

  Facebook (all the time) can be

  quite annoying to my followers.


'Medium'- My newfound obsession

Thanks to uni, I've discovered an addictive online platform—Medium.



In fact, I think that I spend 80 percent of my time reading articles on Medium rather than casually scrolling through my Facebook feed (I can't detach myself from Facebook).


I love how Medium provides a curative platform for bloggers to share content that is worth reading—part of me always wanted to read more, but not as much as I would read in a book.


It completely transformed the way I read online, since I'm an avid reader of ACTUAL paperback books.


By nature, Medium has reversed a lot of my distaste for reading heavy content online.


It even implies how long it'll take to read the article—not more than 10 minutes.


I would highly recommend it—commit to it because everything is thought out before it's written.


How I learnt to personalise my brand image

I didn't have an active LinkedIn profile until my employer insisted that I started building my network.


It's funny how you notice people around you with their noses buried in their phones or tablets; it's safe to say, the digital age has taken over. 




    Websites like LinkedIn are a legit       resource that can assist you with       creating your brand image in a         virtual space. 


    I started to broaden my network       and connected with my alumni and     former workmates. 



I decided to give my

LinkedIn profile some

character which in

turn got me a couple of






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